Appointments System
All our services are offered by appointment only and we aim to provide the following availability;
- A Healthcare Professional within 24 working hours of your request.
- A Doctor within 48 working hours of your request.
- The Doctor of your choice up to 5 weeks in advance.
Appointments can be made at the reception desk or over the telephone.
If you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel it in good time so that it may be offered to someone else. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late for your appointment time, you may be asked to make another appointment.
Appointments are precious – please do not waste them
The Practice operates an 'on the day' appointment system, as explained above, however, for a routine telephone consultation you can speak to whichever doctor you prefer, but it is best for all if you continue to see your usual doctor wherever possible to follow an illness through.
Telephone Advice
Messages can be taken for the doctors and nurses by our receptionists, who will inform you of when the message is likely to be received. The doctor or nurse may ring you back themselves or may ask the receptionist to contact you with a reply to your query.
Extended Hours
We offer extended hours appointments on weekday mornings between 07:30am to 08:00am and on Wednesday and Thursday evenings between 18:30 to 20:00. Please note these are for pre-bookable appointments only. There will be no telephone or desk services.
Extended Access Appointments
We are working with several local surgeries to offer appointments in the evenings and at weekends. We are already open at North Wingfield Medical Centre on weekday mornings 07:30 to 08:00 and Wednesday and Thursday evenings 18:30 to 20:00.
Other local practices will be open on weekday evenings and both weekend days and will also see North Wingfield Medical Centre patients.
This additional access is designed to help patients get an appointment at a more convenient time. For more information on this and to book one of these appointments please speak to a receptionist.
Not Registered for Online Services?
Home Visits
Whilst we encourage our patients to come to the surgery, where we have the proper equipment and facilities available, we do appreciate this is not always possible. In this respect, if you do need a home visit, you can help us by calling reception before 10:00.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice. Your request will be triaged and a GP, Nurse or other Health Care professional will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed. Please bear this in mind and be prepared to provide suitable details to enable the doctor to schedule house calls
You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Please be aware that we can see up to 6 Patients in surgery in the time it takes to undertake 1 Home visit.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance. (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.